The Noisy AirPlane Ride By Mike Downs
Downs, Mike.The Noisy Airplane Ride. Illustrated by David Gordon. Tricycle Press. 32p. 2003. ISBN 1582461570
Ages ( 2 and up)
Going on a plane can be a scary experience! Tons of new noises and feelings take place. The Noisy Airplane Ride, it prepares children for the sound that will take place. Gordon illustrates the noise of a plane from boarding, take off, landing, and disembarking. At the end of the book, there's a page of what else to expect like ears popping; the plane thrusting forward; queasiness; and even muzak. Downs creates an experience in which he describes a flight and sounds perfectly.
Ages ( 2 and up)
Going on a plane can be a scary experience! Tons of new noises and feelings take place. The Noisy Airplane Ride, it prepares children for the sound that will take place. Gordon illustrates the noise of a plane from boarding, take off, landing, and disembarking. At the end of the book, there's a page of what else to expect like ears popping; the plane thrusting forward; queasiness; and even muzak. Downs creates an experience in which he describes a flight and sounds perfectly.
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