A Mother for Choco by Keiko Kasza

Kasza, Keiko. A Mother for Choco. 30p. Puffin Books. 1992. Picture. ISBN: 0698113640.

Ages (2-7) Poor little Choco, is alone in this world and he is in a desperate search for a mother. As Choco goes searching the animal kingdom for a mother who looks like him, different animals point out how they cannot be his mother due to all of their noticeable difference. As Choco is about to give up hope, he finds someone to be his mother after all, and they look nothing alike.  Choco helps to explain the concept of adoption and finding a forever home. This book shows the concept of differences in both a negative and positive way. Best used as a lap time storybook, this book is perfect for explaing the uncertainties of foster children, or adoption. 

A Mother for Choco


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