Roberto:The Insect Architect By Nina Laden

Laden, Nina. Roberto: The Insect Architect. Chronicle Books. 40p. 2010. ISBN 9780811824651

Ages (4 and up)

Filled with many puns, Roberto: the Insect Architect is a funny story about a termite who wants to be an architect. Running into insect racism, no one wants to hire a termite to build houses, when the stereotype is that they ruin the wood. When Roberto runs into other insects down on their luck, he takes matters into his own hands and anonymously builds them a city, with keys to their own houses that he created. A fun storytime book about achieving and reaching for your dreams, Laden uses her illustrations to give even more details to the story and about the bugs Roberto is building for. Leaving off with an important message of being creative and follow your dreams this is a perfect story for young children.



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