I walk with Vanessa by Kerascoët

Kerascoët. I Walk with Vanessa: A Story about a Simple Act of Kindness. Schwartz & Wade. 40p. 2018. ISBN 9781524769567

Ages (6 and up).

Vanessa has just moved into a new house and has to start a new school. A book told only through illustrations demonstrates how a simple act of kindness can turn you from a bystander to an upstander.  As an eBook, this book resembles a slideshow. The reader has to narrate the pictures for the audience. Kerascoët, captures the anxiety of being a new student to the loneliness of being bullied. She also shows how a bystander is just as guilty as the bully for allowing another person to be hurt. The new friends in the story become upstanders because they make sure that Vanessa isn’t alone. At the end of the story, the author includes a snippet on how to stand up to a bully,for children, and for  parents a list of words to use to describe scenes and characters while reading.

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