The Bully Blockers Club by Teresa Bateman

Bateman, Teresa. The Bully Blockers Club. Illustratred by Jackie Urbanovic. Albert Whitman & Company. 32p. 2004. ISBN 9780807509197

Ages ( 6 and up) 

Standing up to a bully can be a scary thing, especially when you are feeling afraid, lonely and helpless. Lotty is almost at her breaking point because Grant Grizzly bullies her every day. She has no idea what to do because she feels like a teacher cant help, considering Grant never bullies in front of an adult. After one last attepmt to make peace, Lotty forms the Bully Blocker club, where students stand together to bring attention to a bully.  Lotty goes through the steps of TELLIT, as explained by the author on a informational page at the end of the story.  Perfect for talking about antibullying techniques, with school age childrens in a storytime or laptime reading.



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