Immi's Gift By Karin Littlewood
Littlewood, Karin. Immi's Gift. Peachtree. 32p. 2010. ISBN:9781561455454
Ages (3 and up)
At the first turn of the page, we are met with the piercing eyes of Immi. Immi, lives in a cold land, in which ice fishing is her primary source of food. One day, however, she pulls out a surprise gift of a colorful wooden bird, and every day after she receives more treasures from the sea. She uses these gift to decorate her igloo.WHich turned the white landscape into a brighter world. She then returns something back to the ocean, her white polar bear necklace. Littlewood has captured the soul of Immi perfectly. You feel her positive energy floating off the page, creating a lasting smile from beginning to end.
Ages (3 and up)
At the first turn of the page, we are met with the piercing eyes of Immi. Immi, lives in a cold land, in which ice fishing is her primary source of food. One day, however, she pulls out a surprise gift of a colorful wooden bird, and every day after she receives more treasures from the sea. She uses these gift to decorate her igloo.WHich turned the white landscape into a brighter world. She then returns something back to the ocean, her white polar bear necklace. Littlewood has captured the soul of Immi perfectly. You feel her positive energy floating off the page, creating a lasting smile from beginning to end.
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