Bitter with Baggae Seeks Same: The Life and Times of Some Chickens

TANEN, Sloane. Bitter with Baggage Seeks Same: The Life and Times of Some Chickens. Photographs By Stefan Hagen. 74p. Bloomsbury. 2003. ISBN, 1582343764.

Bitter with Baggage Seeks Same: The Life and Times of Some Chickens can easily be confused for a children's book. With a cute little toy chick standing next to a stack of luggage on the book jacket while rows colorful chicks line the actual cover, it would be easily picked up for eye-catching realistic photos.  Though the images are vividly life-like, the chickens are depicted doing adult activities, such as giving birth, incriminating sexual scenes, and drinking, etc. The writing is also intended for a more mature audience, as it expresses sarcasm and mature language that do go along with the photographs. Though it may look like a children's book from the outside its contents are for a more adult audience.

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